hosted-Link Hosting

Many Happy Customers

"I've been very pleased with your services. You never cease to amaze me! The responses have been so great, you've been very patient with my silliest questions. And the problem is always solved. I've referred you already to all my family and friends. Thank-you hosted-Link Hosting!" Steve S
Boston, MA
"As the new year starts I just wanted to take a moment to compliment your company. You have exceeded our expectations. When searching for a hosting company we did our research. I was slightly hesitant to sign up because your offer seemed almost too good to be true. I wondered if customer support would be there to help when it was needed, what the down time was and so on. We decided to call and "test" you guys during early morning hours and again during what we considered peak hours. Both occasions our calls were answered immediately without any wait times. We signed up and within minutes we were logged in and preparing our new site. When technical support was needed, again our calls were answered immediately. Most importantly the staff was knowledgeable and able to instruct us on what WE were doing wrong. The one time our site was down we called only to be informed that they were aware of the problem, knew what it was and it was being corrected (although it was through no fault of yours). We were also informed at that time that we could log onto the forums and see detailed information and status reports. It has been a while since I have taken time out of my schedule to sit down and write a Thank You note to a company for excellent customer service. It seems in today's world the customer is not always put first and it is rare to find a company that does such. You have not forgotten that excellent customer service even after the sale is the key to success. Keep up the superior work! " Roger F.
"Here's something for the testimonial page.

Not only do they give superb service to their customers when they've joined, but they you get this before you even sign up. I've sites with several hosts, and this is by far the best, because you are treated as real people, and not just another customer.........

Am in the process of transferring a live and active forum, so its very reassuring to know that the support team is on the ball, just in case something does go wrong.

The tools and extras in the package should keep even the most exacting customer happy, as they seem to have thought of almost everything you could ever need, and have laid the control panel out in a very user friendly way No hunting to find what you need - its all there and accessible, when you want it."
Tony F.
"You have always been fast, you have always gone beyond my expectations as a service provider. Thank you. You are also very patient (for people who don't know much about these things) which is another plus." Hai P.
Alexandria, VA
"The service from hosted-Link Hosting reps has been the best I have ever seen from any company.My questions were answered almost instantaneously, and my problems solved just as fast. Thanks for the great service!" Tonya W.
Washington, DC